Ph.D.: 1989, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
- Subject: Psychology (Major: Educational Psychology; Minor: Cognitive Psychology)
- Selected for the Hardy C. Wilcoxen Outstanding Psychology Dissertation Award.
M.A.: 1980, The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.
- Subject: School Psychology
- An additional 30 graduate credits in the post-master's specialization in School Psychology culminated in a certificate of training in School Psychology.
B.S.: 1978, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
- Subject: Psychology
- Graduated with honors
Dr. Young has been at UConn since Fall 1990 and prior to that was associated with Vanderbilt's Learning Technology Center (LTC) for 3 years. His background includes 5 years as a high school mathematics and computer teacher with K-12 responsibility for the use of computers at the University School of Nashville. He currently serves as Coordinator for the Master's and Sixth Year 2 Summers in Learning Technology options.
(860) 486-0182
Gentry 126